︎︎︎ VISUAL WORK ︎︎︎  


© Sumit Sute
All Rights Reserved
Landscape Mode/Bigger Screens adviced.

UPI ID: sumitsute902@okhdfcbank
Putting my work blankately behind the paywall is not what I intend to do. To try to identify the political natures of our most intimate and personal relationships, to acknowledge, to struggle and to heal through the shame, anger and anxieties of these emotional responses around distresses induced by caste-patriarchy-class factors, is really tough. Yet I need to deal with my economic insecurities as they keep coming in the way of my creative pursuits. And that's where I need you to have my back. 
If you like the work that I am producing, please consider donating me your funds and please pledge your patronage. The works that I have produced till now and have been still making, are a result of persistent hard-work, reading, writing, editing. Help me worry less about the monetary business.

I had hosted an online meeting on Dec 27th 2020 to launch my website, to talk about my recent photographic works and to raise funds for the projects I plan to do next.
Sharing the recorded and edited talk here: